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Derech Eretz Award Donation Form

In memory of Claude Morady and Marvin Lanter, z’’l, the Derech Eretz Award recognizes a TIOH teen (an 8th grader or above who is a b’nai mitzvah of TIOH) who reflects moral, ethical, and spiritual qualities that will guide them to live in and move through a material world.

Claude and Marvin lived lives of loving kindness guided by genuine concern for people, honesty in business, a deep desire to understand and struggle with the Torah while seeking spirituality. Award recipients reflect these same values. Derech Eretz Award winners are honored at a special Kabbalat Shabbat and invited to designate tzedakah to a TIOH project or charity of their choice.

Thank you, sincerely, for your generosity and kindness. Your support will help Temple Israel serve thousands of adults and children in need of food, lifesaving care, loving kindness, spiritual meaning, pastoral support, educational excellence, religious celebration, family enrichment, critical outreach, global action, artistic richness, cultural meaning and the security that comes from a deeply committed community. Thank you for helping us serve so many.

Temple Israel of Hollywood
Tax ID 95-1664124

 Contributions are deductible for income tax purposes in the manner and extent provided by the law.  We will certify that no goods or services were provided in return for your contribution.  If you have any questions, please contact our Development dept., [email protected] or 323-876-8330.

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation

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